Our Causes

Can You Help The Animals?

Cause progress
Raised $176000
Goal $200000

As you may know; Animals all around the world are facing many crisis themselves including Abuse, Endangerment, Housing, Hunger, and more. We must always keep in mind that animals have value also in the world that we live in and we must treat them with respect and dignity as anything or anyone else in the world. Our Contributions will go to create solutions to address these issues in a more in-depth level, which can help assure the animals are getting the proper benefits to help them continue to do there role in society.

  • Total Donors2000
  • Days left to fundraising10
  • Countries helping130
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Did You Know?
The word "Animal" comes from the Latin Animalis, meaning having breath, having soul or living being.

Did You Know?
Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Are Not The Same Thing: The reason why we are saying this is because we want you to understand that they are addressing two different needs and generating different outcome as well as impacts.

World United Fund
We Focus onthe whole picture not just a piece of it; the reason being is that if you pay attention to the wrong things then the mission is never going to be complete and the solution will never be created and applied to the problem. Our Scientific Philanthropy plays a major role in our foundation due to the effectiveness, quality, and seamless integration to the issues regarding Animals around the world. Please Donate to help us continue our services to Animals and the world Around us!-->Here Please!.<--