Our Causes

Help Support the Environment

Cause progress
Raised $176000
Goal $200000

The natural Environment encompasses the interaction of all living species, climate, weather, and natural resources that affect human survival and economic activity. World United Fund is focusing on many goals such as: Eliminating toxins and pollution, preservation and protection, Halting human-induced global warming, Shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy, Establishment of nature reserves, Sustainable and less polluting waste management. There is such a enormous need to address and we plan on being the one to confront the issue

  • Total Donors2000
  • Days left to fundraising10
  • Countries helping130
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27,000 trees are cut and processed each day for toilet paper.

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There is no known scientific way of predicting earthquakes...For Now!

World United Fund
We collaborate with various organizations to create solutions and results to help the environment to help everyone live in a more safe, happy, and secure environment to help them grow and become the best they can be in society while creating a major impact in the World. Donating to Environment affairs will help us bring solutions to move us forward as World.---> Here Please!<---