Help Support Sports Safety
Sport Safety that focuses on decreasing the number and/or severity of injuries by educating trainers, coaches and the general public on sports safety, and by collecting, analyzing and researching injury data. World United Fund is able to dissect and create valuable solutions to make sure athletes are able to properly protect themselves in sports decisions.
- Total Donors2000
- Days left to fundraising10
- Countries helping130
Did You Know?
There are 8,000 sports and sporting games in the World
Did You Know?
1.36 Million Youth suffer from sports injury a year!
World United Fund
We collaborate with various organizations to create solutions and results to help support sports safety so we can live in a more safe, happy, and secure environment to help them grow and become the best they can be in society while creating a major impact in the World. Donating to Sports Safety will help us bring solutions to move us forward as World.---> Here Please!<---